What leads to Success ?

Sukses adalah hak semua orang. Sukses dan kesuksesan setiap orang yang menginginkannya pasti berbeda kriteria dan perspektifnya. Orang mencapai gelar akademik tertinggi merasa sukses. Orang memperoleh wanita cantik sebagai istri merasa sukses. orang memiliki mobil baru merasa sukses, orang memiliki jabatan merasa sukses dan lain sebagainya.

Seringkali sukses mengesampingkan orang lain yang berada di sekitar kita. Sukses selalu dimaknai sebagai keberhasilan individual, yang jauh dari rasa perhatian terhadap orang lain. Ada baiknya kita simak What leads to success berikut. Bukan bermaksud menggurui, tetapi hidup adalah proses, saya pun demikian. Mari melangkah bersama.

Berangkat dari penelitian selama 7 (tujuh) tahun dengan melibatkan 500 responden interview menyimpulkan temuan bahwa hal yang mengantarkan menjadi pribadi yang sukses ada 8 (delapan) tindakan yang harus dilakukan :

  1. Passion
    • I'm driven by my passion" (Freeman Thomas, Car Designer Daimler Chrysler)
    • Do it for love not money. I would pay someone to do what I do (Carol Coletta, Radio Producer, Smart City)
  2. Work
    • It's all hard work. Nothing comes easily. But I have a lot of fun. (Rupert Murdoch, Big Cheese CEO)
  3. Good
    • To be successfull, put your nose down in something and get damn good at it (Alex Garden, Game Developer)
  4. Focus
    • I think it all has to do with focusing yourself to one thing (Norman Jewison, filmmaker)
  5. Push
    • Push yourself. Physically, mentally, you gotta push, push, push (David Gallo, Marine Scientist)
    • SHYNESS SELF-DOUBT, I always had self-doubts. I wasn't good enough, wasn't smart enough, I didn't think I'd make it (Goldie Hawn, Actor)
    • It's not always easy to push yourself. "My mother pushed me" (Frank Gehry, Architect)
  6. Serve
    • It was a privilege to serve as a doctor (Sherwin Nuland, Professor of Surgery, Yale
    • Millionaires serve others something of value
  7. Ideas
    • I had an idea founding the first micro-computer software company (Bill Gates, Software guy)
    • The pattern are (1) Listen, (2) Observe, (3) be Curious, (4) Ask Questions, (5) Problem solve, and (6) Make connections
  8. Persist
    • Persistence is the number one reason for our success (Joe Kraus, co-Founder, Excite)
    • Persistence enemy are (1) Criticism, (2) Rejection, (3) Assholes, and (4) Pressure

Semoga bermanfaat

Source and Picture taken from shaktiholistichealthcare.com
Inspiring Moment on Hitam Putih, Hosted by Dedy Corbuzier


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